If you would like to host an event or have a suggestion for one,
please complete our Event Planning Form or contact our Club Activities Chairperson.

- This event has passed.
Olathe Fourth Fridays
June 28, 2024 @ 4:45 pm - 9:00 pm
We can accommodate 36-cars for this event. While the official event is from 6-9:00 PM, it will take a bit of time to get the Corvettes parked in our spot. We will meet at 4:45PM at Old 56 Family Restaurant, 912 S. Chestnut, Olathe, KS 66061. The restaurant closes at 2:00 PM thus is a perfect place for us to meet with our cars and line up for the one-mile drive to our spot at S Kansas Avenue and Loula Street. We will depart from the restaurant promptly at 5:15 to drive to our designated spot for the Corvettes in downtown Olathe at Fourth Friday. There will be food trucks and live music by The Stolen Winnebagos. Bring your chairs and water. We should have an RSVP by 6/25, but will take them any time if we do not get the 36-maximum cars.
If you would like to host an event or have a suggestion for one,
please complete our Event Planning Form or contact our Club Activities Chairperson.