If you would like to host an event or have a suggestion for one,
please complete our Event Planning Form or contact our Club Activities Chairperson.

Mecum Kansas City Auction Tour

Bartle Hall 301 West 13th Street, Kansas City, MO, United States

Steve Garrett has set up a behind the scenes tour of the Mecum Kansas City Auction. When: Thursday, December 1st Time: Meet at 10:30am, the tour starts at 11am Where: Front Lobby – Bartle Hall (Downtown Kansas City, MO) Meet John Kraman, TV Host of the Mecum Auctions! John will take us around the auction and … Continue reading Mecum Kansas City Auction Tour

CCKC Holiday Party

The Venue In Leawood 4800 W. 135th St., Leawood, KS, United States

Please join us for a fun filled, delicious holiday celebration.  This year's party will be December 9, 2022. The celebration will take place at: The Venue of Leawood 4800 W 135th St. Leawood, KS Cost is $50 per person 6:00PM CASH BAR HORS D'OEUVRES SERVED 7:00PM DINNER - buffet style including dessert Download Menu For … Continue reading CCKC Holiday Party

Flash Concert Event

Dos Reales 6453 Quivira Rd., Shawnee, KS, United States

To kick off 2023, please join us at 5pm on Saturday, Jan. 7 for dinner at Dos Reales, followed by a Van Halen Tribute concert at the Aztec Shawnee Theater. You save $5 if you buy your $15 tickets online at http://aztecshawnee.com/in-halen-k-audic/ Please RSVP ASAP to Dianne Keith at 913-961-1556 or diannekeith42@gmail.com so I can … Continue reading Flash Concert Event

Corvette Club of KC Monthly Meeting

Cinzetti's Italian Market Restaurant 7201 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

Our meetings are on the third Wednesday of each month at Cinzetti's Italian Market Restaurant, located at 7201 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS 66216. Dinner will begin around 5:45pm and run until 7:00pm.  We will start our meeting promptly at 7:00pm. The cost for dinner is $16.99 per person, Cinzetti's features an all-you-can-eat Italian … Continue reading Corvette Club of KC Monthly Meeting

CUMULUS Radio Stations Tour

CUMULUS Radio Station 8900 Indian Creek Pkwy Building 6, Overland Park, KS, United States

Steve Garrett wants to take you behind the scenes at the all new CUMULUS radio station(s) that you listen to every day. We will meet at 11:30 in the parking lot. We will enter the building and go upstairs at 11:45am. We will begin the tour shortly thereafter. You’ll get to see Steve live on … Continue reading CUMULUS Radio Stations Tour

Corvette Club of KC Monthly Meeting

Cinzetti's Italian Market Restaurant 7201 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

Our meetings are on the third Wednesday of each month at Cinzetti's Italian Market Restaurant, located at 7201 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS 66216. Dinner will begin around 5:45pm and run until 7:00pm.  We will start our meeting promptly at 7:00pm. The cost for dinner is $16.99 per person, Cinzetti's features an all-you-can-eat Italian … Continue reading Corvette Club of KC Monthly Meeting

Aztec Theatre – Route 66 Band Concert

Dos Reales 6453 Quivira Rd., Shawnee, KS, United States

Meet for dinner at Dos Reales at 5:30pm. Concert begins at 8:00pm. CLICK HERE to purchase tickets. Tickets $10 + Fees. To RSVP contact Nancy Anderson at 816-225-6267 or email manan@swbell.net by February 17th. See Flyer for details.

SOAR Sunday Trivia Fundraiser

KC Bier 310 W 79th St., KANSAS CITY, MO, United States

Join SOAR Special Needs at KC Bier Co. as we enjoy an afternoon with Let's Get Trivial!  Gather your team and enjoy trivia with GREAT prizes, attendance prizes, a 50/50 raffle where you can take home cash, and learn more about SOAR Special Needs.  All for just $15 per person or $100 for a team of … Continue reading SOAR Sunday Trivia Fundraiser

Aztec Theatre – Michelle Hawkins-Almost Always….Patsy Cline

Aztec Theater 11119 Johnson Dr., Shawnee, KS, United States

Doors open at 2:00pm - show starts at 3:00pm. CLICK HERE to purchase tickets. Meet for dinner at Haywards Pit Barbeque, 10901 W 75th, Shawnee, KS 66216, following concert. See Flyer for details

St. Patrick’s Parade – Club Participation Canceled

Weatherby Lake Community Center 8230 NW Potomac Avenue, Weatherby Lake, MO, United States

CLUB PARTICIPATION CANCELED DUE TO WEATHER.  Parade is Free. Stay for Dinner & Music from 5:00pm - 7:00pm, for $25/person donation. RSVP to Jim & Pam Fullmer 816-812-3006.  See Flyer for details.  

Corvette Club of KC Monthly Meeting

Cinzetti's Italian Market Restaurant 7201 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS, United States

Our meetings are on the third Wednesday of each month at Cinzetti's Italian Market Restaurant, located at 7201 W. 91st Street, Overland Park, KS 66216. Dinner will begin around 5:45pm and run until 7:00pm.  We will start our meeting promptly at 7:00pm. The cost for dinner is $16.99 per person, Cinzetti's features an all-you-can-eat Italian … Continue reading Corvette Club of KC Monthly Meeting

Brunch and Bowling

Pinstripes 13500 Nall Ave., Overland Park, KS, United States

9:45am - Meet at Pinstripes restaurant foyer, 13500 Nall Ave., Overland Park, KS 662223 10:00am - Brunch. $27 per person 12:00pm - Bowling (optional). $15 per person, includes shoe rental and one hour of play RSVP by Wednesday, March 15th to Christina Fallek - 816-560-5875 orcmbellafiore@yahoo.com See Flyer for more info.

Boulevard Brewery Tour

Margarerita's 2829 Southwest Blvd., Kansas City, MO, United States

Jim Cahill has coordinated with Boulevard to host a tour of the brewery and have lunch at Margaritas. You don’t want to miss this fun event. $11.50/person for beer tasting. Pay Jim Cahill at March 15th Club meeting. First paid  - first reserved. Due to tour sizes, this event is limited to 20 people, so … Continue reading Boulevard Brewery Tour

SOAR Prom – CCKC Corvette Photo OP

Shawnee Mission Northwest High School 12701 W 67th St, Shawnee, KS, United States

CCKC & SOAR PROM PARTNERSHIP April 1, 2023 - Cars arrive 2:30pm, and can leave after photos are complete. Shawnee Mission Northwest High School, 12701 W 67th St, Shawnee, KS 66216 Sign-up & Show-up. Use the link below to Sign Up your car for this event. We are looking for one car each generation, plus … Continue reading SOAR Prom – CCKC Corvette Photo OP

If you would like to host an event or have a suggestion for one,
please complete our Event Planning Form or contact our Club Activities Chairperson.

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